BU Interest Form

indicates a required answer

Wondering if Bulverde United Class Days is the right program for your family? Let's get to know each other! This form is for families who are not currently a part of BU.

First, read all about us! What is Bulverde United? What classes are offered? Class Schedule? Rules/Policies

Second, fill out this form so we can get to know you and let you know if we are a good fit for your family. BU registration opens in March and closes in August. We will not be adding students mid-year.

1. *

Parent's Names: (i.e. Joe & Sally Smith or Joe Jones & Sally Smith)

2. *

Please list each student you would like to join Bulverde United Class Days (6th-12th Grade). Include the student's name, age, and grade:

3. *

Have you read HCCH's Statement of Faith? Do you agree to conduct yourselves in a manner consistent with this statement and not promote contrary doctrines or beliefs while participating with Bulverde United? 

4. *

What church do you attend?

5. *

How long have you been homeschooling? We request that you have homeschooled for at least 1 year before taking certain classes with BU.

This is all new to me 1-2 years
3+ years
6. *

Tell us a little about your family. What made you want to homeschool? What's your homeschool personality? Classical/Charlotte Mason/Unschooling?

7. *

What questions do you have about our class days that weren't answered in the reading above?

8. *

Are you currently a member of HCCH? This is the best way to keep up with registration dates, etc for Bulverde United. You will have to be a member HCCH before registering with BU. HCCH offers many benefits, like park days, field trips, parties, and events for students and parents. It's only $35 per family per year.Click "join" on myhcch.com.

Yes No
9. *

Email Address:

10. *

Phone Number:

11. *

How would you like us to contact you?

 (1 required)
Email Phone Call
12. *

How did you hear about us?