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PAC Day Interest Form

indicates a required answer

Please fill out this form if you have any questions about PAC that aren't addressed under our FAQ page. Also check out our handbook for in depth information about our policies. 

Please note that details about current classes are only found on the member side of our webpage. If you are not currently a member of HCCH this information will not be available to you. For general questions about PAC you can also email us directly at [email protected] 


1. *

First Name:

2. *

Last Name:

3. *

Email Address:

4. *

Please list your children, ages, and grades: 

5. *

Are you interested in teaching?

Yes No

If you're interested in teaching, what class were you wanting to teach?

7. *

Are you currently a member of HCCH?

Yes No

You can list questions or concerns here that you may have about PAC day after checking our FAQ and Handbook pages.