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Mrs. Ginger Rodriguez To All Instructors

Hi, I'm Ginger Rodriguez, I have a passion for art and all things creative. I feel knowledge of fine art and creating something with our own hands can have a huge impact on all parts of our lives. By creating something, whether it be a watercolor painting of a beautiful landscape or a handmade quilt, I feel closer and more connected to my own creator and love to share that love and passion with others. Art classes had a huge impact on me throughout my school career, and even though I received a Degree and Building Science and worked as an engineer and construction project manager, art and creating has always been my passion and is now my profession. I have worked as a studio artist and designer for over 20 years and am currently working as a commission only artist specializing in watercolor home portraits.


Current Classes
BU611A Art Fundamentals – (open)
BU611B Art Fundamentals – (open)