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Mrs. Tilly Copley To All Instructors

Tilly Copley

I am a devoted lover of Jesus, happily married and a tried and true homeschooler. I home educated my four children for a total of 26 years. All of my children have graduated from college and are currently working. Gabriel is a computer programmer, Isaac is a networking specialist, Autumn is a manufacturing engineer and Jacob is a retirement planner in Arizona.

Degrees: BS in Computer Science, Trinity University 1983, AA American Sign Language, Deaf Support Specialist, San Antonio College 2018

I have worked for Foremost Dairy Company, San Antonio Chest Hospital, Pilgrim Cleaners in San Antonio and Epic Systems in Wisconsin as a computer programmer. I became a stay-at-home mom after my first child was born. I introduced my two oldest children to computer programming when they were 12 and 10 years old. They furthered their computer education at San Antonio College when they were 14 and 12 years old, before heading off to get their bachelor degrees.

We are surrounded by computers in this technological age. Learning to work with computers requires a logical, detailed and problem-solving mindset. These are essential life skills whatever career path your student chooses. I would be happy to introduce your student to the applications they will most likely use throughout their education or to challenge them to write the software that makes a positive impact on our world.


Current Classes
BU404 ASL 1 – (closed)
BU606 C# Programming – (closed)
BU605 Computer Digital Savvy – (open)
BU606 Python Programming – (open)